[ ] STRING sDeptName
[ ] HDATABASE hdbc
[ ] HSQL hstmnt
[ ] LIST of ANYTYPE lATemp
[ ]
[-] do
[ ]
[ ] // connect to SQL 2000 Server Test DB
[ ] hdbc = DB_Connect ("dsn=RPM611B1;PWD=Usrqa1234;UID=qausr")
[ ]
[ ] // retrieve info from Department table
[ ] hstmnt = DB_ExecuteSql (hdbc, "SELECT * FROM GROUP_MASTER")
[ ]
[ ] // process the information that came back
[ ] print ("Here's the info in the Department table:")
[ ] print (hstmnt)
[+] // while (DB_FetchNext (hstmnt, id, sDeptName, sDeptName))
[ ] // print ("Dept: {id} Name: {sDeptName} Head: {iheadID}")
[-] while (DB_FetchNext (hstmnt, lATemp))
[ ] resprintList("List",lATemp)
[ ]
[ ]
[ ] // release resources (unneeded really
[ ] // because immediately followed by disconnect)
[ ] DB_FinishSQL (hstmnt)
[ ]
[ ] // disconnect
[ ] DB_Disconnect (hdbc)
[+] except
[ ] ExceptLog()
[ ] HDATABASE hdbc
[ ] HSQL hstmnt
[ ] LIST of ANYTYPE lATemp
[ ]
[-] do
[ ]
[ ] // connect to SQL 2000 Server Test DB
[ ] hdbc = DB_Connect ("dsn=RPM611B1;PWD=Usrqa1234;UID=qausr")
[ ]
[ ] // retrieve info from Department table
[ ] hstmnt = DB_ExecuteSql (hdbc, "SELECT * FROM GROUP_MASTER")
[ ]
[ ] // process the information that came back
[ ] print ("Here's the info in the Department table:")
[ ] print (hstmnt)
[+] // while (DB_FetchNext (hstmnt, id, sDeptName, sDeptName))
[ ] // print ("Dept: {id} Name: {sDeptName} Head: {iheadID}")
[-] while (DB_FetchNext (hstmnt, lATemp))
[ ] resprintList("List",lATemp)
[ ]
[ ]
[ ] // release resources (unneeded really
[ ] // because immediately followed by disconnect)
[ ] DB_FinishSQL (hstmnt)
[ ]
[ ] // disconnect
[ ] DB_Disconnect (hdbc)
[+] except
[ ] ExceptLog()